SELF!SH: Step Into a Journey of Self-Discovery to Revive Confidence, Joy, and Meaning
An interactive workbook to work on the Project of YOU.
SELF!SH guides you through eight self-reflection exercises that culminate with the creation of YOUR own personal playbook.
You will be empowered to cultivate a sense of worth tied to your intrinsic value, your character, and your principles. You will gain clarity on what is truly important to you, what motivates you, and what gets you emotionally charged to live the life you want.

Taking time for oneself every day, some might call that selfish.
We say own it!
This is your personal Playbook for your mindset. Your tool kit to cope and grow. It’s unique to you. It gets you back to the best of You. Yes, it’s a good thing to take care of yourself. You’ll bring more of what you cherish and value to the world and those around you.
That’s Self!sh.

Why a Personal Playbook?
Ten years into my career I suffered from imposter syndrome and my inner dialogue was toxic. This impacted not only my performance, but also my relationships and well-being.
As I learned tools and practices to better manage my thoughts and emotions, my challenge was: How do I make it stick? How can I remember the strategies that serve me well when I’m having a challenging day, month, or year? This is precisely the WHY behind the SELF!SH playbook.
Just like sports teams rely on playbooks to adjust, pivot, and better respond to what’s happening on the field, create your own Playbook, a dynamic tool that will evolve as you continue to learn, grow, and transform.
Mental Fitness
It’s like a gym or yoga studio for your mind.
We all know the importance of physical fitness and how building muscle and endurance helps our physical fitness. SELF!SH brings strength and endurance to our mental fitness by first going through the exercises in the workbook and then by doing reps with our Playbook.
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